Wednesday, 26 September 2012

There is a saying..

...that says "the labourer is made by his tools". I know it sounds kinda weird when you read it/hear it in English, but it makes perfect sense. Why do I say that?

My brother bought an SLR camera the other day, and I borrowed it to shoot some pictures of my minis. Bellow you can see the awesome outcome. I hope you enjoy them as much as I enjoyed taking these pictures.

                                   The Legion of the Damned space marine that I promised a while

My three chaos cultists that I used as thrall wizards back in the 3rd edition chaos space marine codex (since I couldn't find any more of those to make them a standing unit:

A chaos terminator (the old metal ones) painted a few years back. Although I'm generally satisfied with the outcome, you can see he looks quite sloppy when you take a good look.

A still WIP Night Lord Aspiring Champion/Lord. I love the ears, no matter what other people say.

So, as you can see, we are still learning. I hope you'll enjoy them. Cheers.

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