Wednesday 19 September 2012

It's getting hot in here...

No, this post is not about the Horus Heresy. Yes, this post is about the new Chaos Space Marine Codex rumours that fly all around the internet. Yes, this post is about me, pulling out my teeth and trying to find new ways to save money in order to get my hands on those new Chaos Space Marines models (like the new HellDrake flyer) when they come out.

So, first things first: I've ordered my copy of the Dark Vengeance limited edition boxed set, and I'll get my hands on those new age minis in a few days. For better or for worse I won't be able to paint the new Dark Angels (I'm more of a Heretic than a Loyalist), since the boxed set was bought along with a friend of mine who actually collects Dark Angels, so this was perfect, since there are not enough money around and it would take ages for me to paint an other power armoured army. Anyway, back to the rumours.

So, there are a lot of new stuff going on out there. There are sayings about a Legion Codex, more like the old 2003 Chaos Codex, along with new units and the drop out of old units. It kinda reminds me of the 2003 (again) when GW said that "this is the chaos year", when the new (back then) Defiler, came out.

So, we have a new Warpsmith, the Dark Mechanicus (at last!) equivalent of a Warsmith/Techmarine, we have a nice flyer, the HellDrake, a metal dragon/flyer/daemonic engine thing, we have new Raptors, called Warp Talons, we have new Daemonic Engines that the rumours say would replace the old Obliterators, in game terms as well as in modelling. There would be two different modifications for that, the Forge Fiend and the Mauler Fiend, the one being the shooting the other the assault equivalent, respectively.

Rumours say that the new codex would come out in October, although I've heard of coming out as late as January.

So, we sit back and wait, with a bag of chips in our hand, waiting for the show.


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