Wednesday 26 September 2012

There is a saying..

...that says "the labourer is made by his tools". I know it sounds kinda weird when you read it/hear it in English, but it makes perfect sense. Why do I say that?

My brother bought an SLR camera the other day, and I borrowed it to shoot some pictures of my minis. Bellow you can see the awesome outcome. I hope you enjoy them as much as I enjoyed taking these pictures.

                                   The Legion of the Damned space marine that I promised a while

My three chaos cultists that I used as thrall wizards back in the 3rd edition chaos space marine codex (since I couldn't find any more of those to make them a standing unit:

A chaos terminator (the old metal ones) painted a few years back. Although I'm generally satisfied with the outcome, you can see he looks quite sloppy when you take a good look.

A still WIP Night Lord Aspiring Champion/Lord. I love the ears, no matter what other people say.

So, as you can see, we are still learning. I hope you'll enjoy them. Cheers.

Sunday 23 September 2012

Chaotic Heresy

                                                             Even Horus seems clueless:

Yes, it is the time where I have to separate my self from two distinct things: One is the gaming area and the other is the modelling area.

As I've previously stated, and  friend of mine said "here, we don't miss the gamers, we miss the modellers". For better or for worse, this is true, there are not enough people painting or converting. I've never thought my self as a gamer: I own a copy of Warhammer 40K 5th edition and I've only played 2 times with that rule set. So, someone might ask, "why this intro"?

Being a new blog, one out out of thousands out there about the Warhammer hobby, I've read numerous times blogs that incorporate modelling and rumours and/or rules reviews. Unfortunately I'm not into rules, and the only source for new stuff, is the news feed I receive from Forge World and my own hand guiding the mouse when I browse the GW site. So, with the new Chaos Space Marines codex coming out, the new 6th edition already out on the selves I have to make a choice and state, that this blog will strictly stick on the modelling aspect. I don't have the time to discuss rules or rumours, I don't have the knowledge to discuss rules and rumours and last, but not least, these entries are created for fun: people who wanted to paint and have a good time around a table, with a bunch of paints and brushes in front of them. Obviously from time to time, there would be a reference to new stuff from the creators of the hobby, but that's it. I know that there aren't many who read this blog, but you never know.

So, in that new spirit, in other news. Forgeworld released the miniature of the Heresy Era Angron, Primarch of the World Eaters Legion. Awesome model. And pretty cheap for a FW model (50 pounds). We dare to hope and speculate, that with Horus Heresy on sale, we will be happy to see more Primarch Models. Perhaps even an Emperor of Mankind model. 

The new Chaos Space Marines miniature range is out. A new White Dwarf (with a new look), a new chaos codex, and tons of videos. But with this new era of models (the ones that made their appearance with the Dark Vengeance boxed set), leaves me with mixed thoughts. Seems like GW is paving the way, for a new age of models. Models that would be hard to put a hand and convert them to something more personal. With all those click and clacks on the new minis, and the tag line "They can be assembled without the need of glue", seems like a good fun quick to make and play stand alone battles. But I think there's a catch: most of the models have a great deal of detail and personally I wouldn't cut their arms to reposition them or add a different weapon to give them a new look.

On the other hand, it would be a great and quick way for new players who don't have the time or the hand to make miniatures to just put them together and start to play.

Comments are welcome.

Friday 21 September 2012

The Horus Heresy

So, I receive Forge World's newsletter fairly often, but these days, with the new chaos space marines miniature range revealed on the 22nd of September, and with Golden Demon 2012 in Birmingham  the Horus Heresy era minis are almost done, and are already being promoted.

From what I've seen there is going to be a campaign/series of books like the Badab War and the Siege of Vraks that saw the new Khorne and Nurgle upgrades and the Krieg and Heretic armies respectively. Here though we have a whole different theme: We have legions fighting against legions, pre heresy and heresy era loyalists and traitors killing each other.

We've all seen the signs for some time now, brassed etched and shoulder pads for Sons of Horus, Emperor's Children and Death Guard, the Fellblade, jetbikes, the old school looking Deimos Pattern Predator, the old-school Land Raider. You name it. But now, we have cataphractii. It's actually a heresy era terminator armour, with elements seen previously on the chaos armies (ripper autocannons, combi-bolters, the Rogue Trader era close combat bayonet/chain-blade), and, obviously the cataphract armour, with the special shoulder plates, the armouring in the back of the armour, the special helmet.

A Rogue Trader era space marine.

The new cataphract terminator armour. The similarity on the bayonet is obvious.

It's really nice though, to see that people tend to remember the humble beginning of the hobby with more than love. I always loved the look of those space marines (despite the fact that now seem mishap and crooked next to a new model, those were the ones that I saw first).

The whole miniature range, seem like they jumped out of the Horus Heresy collected visions book. I can't wait to see some of them painted and ready.

Let the galaxy burn!

Wednesday 19 September 2012

It's getting hot in here...

No, this post is not about the Horus Heresy. Yes, this post is about the new Chaos Space Marine Codex rumours that fly all around the internet. Yes, this post is about me, pulling out my teeth and trying to find new ways to save money in order to get my hands on those new Chaos Space Marines models (like the new HellDrake flyer) when they come out.

So, first things first: I've ordered my copy of the Dark Vengeance limited edition boxed set, and I'll get my hands on those new age minis in a few days. For better or for worse I won't be able to paint the new Dark Angels (I'm more of a Heretic than a Loyalist), since the boxed set was bought along with a friend of mine who actually collects Dark Angels, so this was perfect, since there are not enough money around and it would take ages for me to paint an other power armoured army. Anyway, back to the rumours.

So, there are a lot of new stuff going on out there. There are sayings about a Legion Codex, more like the old 2003 Chaos Codex, along with new units and the drop out of old units. It kinda reminds me of the 2003 (again) when GW said that "this is the chaos year", when the new (back then) Defiler, came out.

So, we have a new Warpsmith, the Dark Mechanicus (at last!) equivalent of a Warsmith/Techmarine, we have a nice flyer, the HellDrake, a metal dragon/flyer/daemonic engine thing, we have new Raptors, called Warp Talons, we have new Daemonic Engines that the rumours say would replace the old Obliterators, in game terms as well as in modelling. There would be two different modifications for that, the Forge Fiend and the Mauler Fiend, the one being the shooting the other the assault equivalent, respectively.

Rumours say that the new codex would come out in October, although I've heard of coming out as late as January.

So, we sit back and wait, with a bag of chips in our hand, waiting for the show.


Sunday 16 September 2012

So, Winter Is Coming...

..and along with winter, comes the time for cocooning. Everyone stays in, either not having enough money (the reason being the vacations or the new Dark Vengeance box, I don't really know) or it's rainy/windy/cold. That means a lot more time spent inside and a lot more free time for painting, I guess.

Being a free time painter (not a gamer unfortunately), I find autumn and winter to be the perfect time for painting and converting and cutting and doing stuff with your army. So, I've been to my mother's house (that serves as a warehouse for stuff we don't have the space here) and I've brought back my chaos space marines of the Black Legion. This project was born at least 8 years ago, and it's still on-going. I hope at some time I would be able to finish it, or reach an acceptable level of finished models.

Primed minis everywhere....

So, I opened the box, I took out primed minis and started to correct where the primer didn't reach them. I made a respectable number (about 10 or 15) and put them away in the army case for tomorrow, so when I open it for painting they would be ready.

I also got my hands on some other minis that I've made through the years. One of my favourites is the sick possessed chaos space marine with a foetus hanging through it's intestines.

This guy, is part of a team, and he was created back in 2004. I used a chaos space marine body from space crusade, and bits and pieces from the chaos space marine sprue and the lost and the damned zombie sprue. Also some green stuff (obviously). He came out really nice.

So, as I was checking my stuff, I came across an old mini, one of the metal Legion of the Damned models. I think he's a sergeant, although he doesn't have much of detail on him (the old moulds). Anyway, I always wanted to paint this guy (I bought him in a sale of old models in a shop here in Athens) and he was sitting around, primed, since.

I managed to finish him in an evening. He came out pretty nice, for a first time. But, more pictures of him, will be available next time.

Have fun.